What we do

As a non-governmental humanitarian agency, the National Civil Intervention Body, its action is differentiated between the moments before, during and after an emergency.

Thus, depending on the moment of performance in which our actions are developed the programs, projects and actions can be of:

The National Civil Intervention Body can carry out its actions alone or through partnerships with other organizations, public and/or private, at the national, European or international level.

Thus, the N. C. I. B. develops actions in the following areas:

a) Teaching, education and culture;

b) Scientific and technical assistance;

c) Health, including medical, drug and food assistance;

d) Employment and professional training;

e) Protection and defense of the environment;

f) Social and community integration;

g) Rural development;

h) Strengthening civil society, through support to similar associations and grassroots associations in countries in the process of development;

i) Education for development, namely through the dissemination of the realities of developing countries to public opinion. 

j) Pronouncing on projects of a legislative, normative and executive nature that address issues related to cooperation for development, civil protection, civil emergency planning, humanitarian aid and emergency aid, as well as proposing, in the appropriate terms, measures on the same subjects;

k) Training actions aimed at acquiring and/or deepening knowledge in the sectors of development cooperation, civil protection, civil emergency planning, emergency aid, humanitarian aid and/or other areas considered appropriate;

l) Organizing, supporting and/or promoting actions to raise awareness, information and education of populations in terms of self-protection against risks;

m) Dissemination of warnings and alerts using their own means of communication, on their own initiative and/or at the request of Organs competent bodies;

n) Creation, operation and maintenance of technically and scientifically trained multidisciplinary teams for the development and/or support of operations and/or actions of cooperation for development, civil protection, civil emergency planning, emergency aid and humanitarian aid;

o) Development and / or support operations and / or actions of logistics and assistance to operations and / or actions of cooperation for development, civil protection, civil emergency planning, emergency aid and humanitarian aid;

You can check our ongoing projects here.