
Chapter I - General provisions

Article 1 - Denomination, heraldry, acronyms and motto

1. The association under private law adopts the name “N. C. I. B.. – National Civil Intervention Body – Association” has a non-profit humanitarian nature acting as a non-governmental humanitarian agency in the fields of development cooperation, civil protection, civil emergency planning, humanitarian aid and emergency aid and has its headquarters at Rua Francisco Baía, N.º 8, 6.º Right, postal code 1500 – 279 Lisbon, Parish of São Domingos de Benfica, Municipality of Lisbon, District of Lisbon;

2. Has as heraldry:

A golden compass rose, sentvem cetimeters on a side. The compass rose represents presence, orientation and nobility. Presence because a star is always present, even in times of darkness. Orientation because the National Civil Intervention Body directs its action according to an enlightened orientation of dignity and safeguarding of human life and protection of goods and the environment. The golden color of the compass rose expresses the nobility of the mission that the National Civil Intervention Body proposes to carry out.

3. Use the following acronyms:

a. National Civil Intervention Body

b. N. C. I. B.;

c. Civil Intervention – Portugal;

4. Its motto is “More than human strength promised.”;

5. The Board of Directors, after consulting the Superior Council, may adapt the heraldry to different supports and also approve another heraldry, acronyms and mottos that aim to identify the different units and/or specialties that may be adopted.

Article 2 - Corporate Purpose and Objectives

1. The Association aims to develop cooperation activities for development, civil protection, civil emergency planning, humanitarian aid, emergency aid and professional training.

2. The objectives of the N. C. I. B.:

a. Develop activities in Development Cooperation, Civil Protection, Civil Emergency Planning, humanitarian aid, emergency aid and/or professional training;

b. Design, execute and support programs and projects of a social, cultural, environmental, civic and economic nature, namely through actions in developing countries of development cooperation, humanitarian assistance, emergency aid, protection and promoting human rights, as well as raising public awareness of the need for an increasingly committed relationship with developing countries, as well as the dissemination of their realities;

ç. Raise awareness of forgotten crises, promote respect for international humanitarian law, bring the voice of people affected by crises to the fore and help people gain access to humanitarian assistance and emergency assistance;

d. Participate in the definition of national policies in the areas of cooperation for development, civil protection, civil emergency planning, humanitarian aid and emergency aid, namely in the legislative initiatives concerning the respective sectors;

e. Promote the creation of conditions for the acquisition and/or deepening of knowledge and skills to carry out activities in the fields of Development Cooperation, Civil Protection, Civil Emergency Planning, Emergency Aid and Humanitarian Aid and/or other converging areas;

f. Create and maintain capacity for development and / or support for operations and / or actions in cooperation for development, civil protection, civil emergency planning, humanitarian aid and emergency assistance;

g. Carry out and/or support activities to prevent and mitigate risks, protect and help populations and support the restoration of normality and the safety and well-being of populations;

h. Raising awareness, informing and educating populations in terms of self-protection in the face of risks;

i. Promote institutional relationships with organizations in the field of development cooperation, civil protection, civil emergency planning, emergency aid and humanitarian aid in order to allow exchanges between the N. C. I. B. and these organizations;

j. Demonstrate availability of collaboration with agencies, services and agents of cooperation for development, civil protection, civil emergency planning, humanitarian aid and emergency assistance;

k. Provide its members with access to goods and services that are essential for the good provision of services, under more favorable conditions; l. Develop efforts to guide its activity based on a context of national, European and international identity;

Article 3 - Attributions

1. The duties of the National Civil Intervention Body include:

a. Develop activities in the intervention areas of teaching, education and culture, scientific and technical assistance, health, including medical, drug and food assistance, employment and professional training, protection and defense of the environment, social and community integration, rural development, reinforcement of civil society, through support to similar associations and grassroots associations in developing countries, education for development, namely through the dissemination of the realities of developing countries to public opinion;

b. Pronouncing on projects of a legislative, normative and executive nature that deal with issues related to cooperation for development, civil protection, civil emergency planning, humanitarian aid and emergency aid, as well as proposing, in the appropriate terms, measures on them Subjects;

c. Carry out training actions aimed at acquiring and/or deepening knowledge in the sectors of development cooperation, civil protection, civil emergency planning, emergency aid, humanitarian aid and/or other areas considered appropriate;

d. Organizing, supporting and/or promoting awareness, information and education actions for the population in terms of self-protection against risks;

e. Disseminate alerts and notices using their own means of communication, on their own initiative and/or at the request of Organs competent bodies;

f. Create, operationalize and maintain multidisciplinary teams trained, technically and scientifically, for the development and/or support of operations and/or actions of cooperation for development, civil protection, civil emergency planning, emergency aid and humanitarian aid;

g. Develop and / or support operations and / or actions of logistics and assistance to operations and / or actions of cooperation for development, civil protection, civil emergency planning, emergency aid and humanitarian aid;

Article 4 - Fundamental Principles

1. The National Civil Intervention Body develops its action based on the fundamental humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence.

a. The principle of humanity states that human suffering must be dealt with wherever it is found. The aim of humanitarian action is to protect life and health and ensure respect for human beings.

b. The principle of neutrality establishes that the National Civil Intervention Body must not take part in hostilities or engage in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature;

c. The principle of impartiality states that humanitarian action should be undertaken only on the basis of need, prioritizing the most urgent cases of suffering and not making distinctions based on nationality, race, gender, religious belief, class or political opinion;

d. The principle of Independence establishes that humanitarian action must be autonomous from the political, economic, military or other objectives that any actor may have in relation to the areas in which humanitarian action is being developed.

2. The activity of the National Civil Intervention Body is based on volunteerism;

3. Without prejudice to the preceding paragraph, the National Civil Intervention Body may resort to hiring professionals to carry out activities that lack permanent capacity, taking into account the financial capacity of the C.N.I.C.

Article 5 - Territorial scope and international cooperation

1. The National Civil Intervention Body carries out its activity throughout the Portuguese territory;

2. Without prejudice to the preceding paragraph, the National Civil Intervention Body may carry out its activity outside the national territory of Portugal, on its own initiative and / or when requested under partnerships with other public and / or private institutions national, European and/or international;

Article 6. - Income and Expenses

1. The Association's income and assets consist of:

a. Jewelry, membership fees and other amounts paid by members;

b. Donations, legacies and inheritances from which it is a beneficiary;

c. Donations and/or subsidies from natural persons and/or public or private entities; d. Values resulting from actions developed by the association;

2. The Association's expenses are:

a. Expenses with the payment of services, as well as the acquisition or lease of goods necessary for its operation and execution of its duties;

b. Payments made in compliance with the resolutions of the General Meeting;

Chapter II - Associates

Section I – Categories and Admission Conditions

Article 7 - Members, their Categories and Admission Conditions

1. The categories of members of N. C. I. B. are Founder, Effective, Community, Extra-community, Auxiliary and Honorary;

2. Are classified in the category of:

a. Founding Member: those who have participated in the constitution of the association;

b. Effective Member those over eighteen years of age, of Portuguese nationality, who wish to actively participate in the development of the association;

c. Community Member those over eighteen years of age, national of state – member of the European Union, other than Portugal, who wish to actively participate in the development of the association;

d. Extra-Community Member persons over eighteen years of age, nationals of another country that is not a member state of the European Union, who wish to actively participate in the development of the association;

e. Auxiliary Member those over eighteen years of age, Portuguese nationals, from a member state of the European Union, or not, who wish to contribute their membership fee to support the organization's development;

f. Honorary Member any Effective, Community, Extra-Community and / or Auxiliary Member, and / or individual and / or collective persons who, not falling into any of the above categories, have distinguished themselves by performing missions at the service of N. C. I. B, a Portuguese organization, State – member of the European Union, or not, in the field of development cooperation, civil protection, civil emergency planning, emergency aid and humanitarian aid, or whose area of ​​knowledge, training, experience, civic and / or social intervention are considered of interest and / or are deserving of this distinction and are proposed by the Superior Council and approved by the General Assembly;

Section II - Duties and Rights

Article 8 - Duties and rights

1. The duties of the members are:

a. Respect, disseminate and practice the fundamental principles of the National Civil Intervention Body;

b. Actively contribute to the pursuit of the purposes of the C.N.I.C.;

c. Exercise, free of charge, the positions of the governing bodies for wich they are elected and / or appointed and that they have accepted;

d. Respect the statutes, regulations and other rules and instructions in force;

e. Respect and collaborate in the protection of the National Civil Intervention Body logo;

f. Proceed promptly with the payment of your jewelry and / or quotas and / or other values, in accordance with their categories and other rules in force;

2. The rights of members are:

a. Participate in the institution's activities;

b. To be elected and/or appointed to positions in the governing bodies;

c. Benefit from the benefits and services granted to them, under the conditions that are defined;

d. Possess accreditation document as a member of the institution.

Section III - Discipline

Article 9 - Discipline

1. Members of the National Civil Intervention Body may be subject to the following disciplinary penalties:

a. written reprimand;

b. Suspension

c. Exclusion;

d. Exemption from membership;

2. The sanction of written reprimand consists of a mere repair for the irregularity practiced;

3. The Suspension penalty consists of the suspension of the duties and rights of the punished associate, and is applied by decision of the Board of Directors

4. The Exclusion penalty consists of loss of quality as a member, and is proposed by the Board of Directors and approved by the General Assembly;

5. The Suspension penalty consists of the suspension of the duties and rights of the punished associate, and is applied by decision of the Board of Directors;

6. Without prejudice to the preceding paragraphs, any member may request the Board of Directors, in writing, to waive the status of member of C.N.I.C.;

7. Dispensing from membership entails suspension of membership rights and duties.

Article 10 - Causes of application of disciplinary penalties

1. The status of N. C. I. B. member may be lost for any of the following reasons:

a. Exclusion approved at the General Meeting;

b. Exemption from membership, formulated in writing, sent to the Board of Directors;

c. Death of the member or, in the case of legal persons, its extinction;

d. Failure to comply with the services and / or commitments assumed with the C.N.I.C.;

e. Providing wrong information;

f. Illegitimate refusal to comply with directives;

g. Unauthorized disclosure of information regarding the C.N.I.C.;

h. Violation of the statutes, regulations, rules and instructions in force;

i. Disrespect, Injury and/or aggression to other associates and / or holders of positions in the governing bodies;

j. Receiving funds, collecting revenue or collecting funds for which they are not accountable within the legal deadlines;

k. Use or permission by others to use or use any property belonging to the association, whose possession or use is entrusted to them, for a purpose other than that for which they are intended;

l. Practice of acts that directly or indirectly discredit the National Civil Intervention Body or are contrary to its fundamental principles or objectives;

m. Failure to pay the membership fee and / or other amounts to which they are obligated, after being notified in writing by the Board of Directors of the absence. 2. Members may appeal the exclusion decision to the General Assembly;

3. The definition of the defendants' rights of defense, the infractions to which disciplinary sanctions are applicable, the direct and mitigating circumstances of disciplinary responsibility, the special aggravating circumstances of disciplinary responsibility, of the causes of suspension of disciplinary sanctions, prescription of disciplinary sanctions, organization of disciplinary procedures, mandatory disciplinary proceedings, forms of procedure, competence to institute disciplinary proceedings, competence to apply disciplinary sanctions, review of disciplinary procedure, rehabilitation.

Chapter III – Corporate bodies

Article 11 - Corporate Bodies

1. The Association's Governing Bodies are:

a. The General Assembly;

b. The Supervisory Board;

c. The Board of Directors;

d. The Superior Council;

2. The holders of the positions of the General Assembly and of the Supervisory Board are elected at the General Assembly;

3. The President of the Board of Directors is elected at the General Assembly from among the member(s) appointed by the Superior Council;

4. The Vice-President, the Secretary-General, the Treasurer and the Voting Member of the Board of Directors are appointed by the Superior Council, on the proposal of the President of the Board of Directors elected;

5. The term of office of the holders of positions in the General Assembly and in the Supervisory Board is 3 years;

6. The term of office of the holder of the position of President of the Board of Directors is 5 years;

a. The Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary-General and Member of the Board of Directors begin functions when appointed by the Superior Council, under the terms referred to in these statutes, and their term ends when a President of the same body takes office for a new term;

b. In the event of a resignation request from the Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary-General or Member of the Board of Directors, appointed under the terms of these statutes, the member who is appointed to occupy the vacant position shall exercise functions only for the term in which he is appointed according to the previous paragraph;

7. The resignation of the President of the General Meeting Board, the President of the Supervisory Board and the President of the Board of Directors implies the holding of elections for the respective body, starting a new term with the inauguration of the new ones holders;

8. The members of the governing bodies, whose term of office has expired or who are resigning, shall remain in office, except in cases of force majeure, until the appointment of a substitute, under the terms established by the bylaws.

9. Without prejudice to the provisions of these Statutes for the functioning of the governing bodies of the National Civil Intervention Body, the provisions of Articles 21 to 35 and 44 to 50 of the Code of Administrative Procedure are applicable, with the necessary adaptations and as the case may be.

Section I – General Assembly

Article 12 - Its competences

1. The General Assembly is responsible for all resolutions not included in the legal or statutory attributions of the other governing bodies of the Association and, necessarily:

a. Elect the holders of positions in the General Meeting, the Supervisory Board and the President of the Board of Directors, and grant them the respective ownership;

b. The removal of members of the Association's governing bodies;

c. Approval of the strategic and budgetary guidelines, the Annual Activity Plan and Budget, the Annual Management Report, Financial Statements and Balance Sheet and other legislative initiatives relating to the institution;

d. The attribution of the Honorary Membership category; and. Decide on the admission and waiver of membership of the National Civil Intervention Body in the organizations that it will integrate;

f. The amendment of statutes;

g. Exclusion of associates;

h. The extinction of the association;

i. Authorization to sue the directors for facts practiced in the exercise of their position;

j. The approval of internal regulations;

k. Other competences assigned to it by internal regulations;

Article 13 - Summons Causes

1. The General Meeting must be ordinarily convened by the management, in any case, at least once every year, until March 31, for approval of the Annual Management Report, Financial Statements and Balance Sheet, by December 31 for approval of the Annual Plan of Activities and Budget for the following year and for the purposes of carrying out electoral acts, when applicable.

2. The General Assembly is also called extraordinarily whenever the call is requested, with a legitimate purpose, by the administration or by a group of associates not less than the fifth part of its totality.

3. If the administration does not convene the General Assembly in the cases in which it must do so, the President of the General Assembly, the Supervisory Board, the Board of Directors, the Superior Council or any Associate, it is legal to make the call .

Article 14 - Form of Call

1. The General Assembly is convened by postal or electronic notice, sent to each member at least eight days in advance; in the notice, indicate – if – the day, time and place of the meeting and the respective agenda.

2. The issue of the postal or electronic notice referred to in the previous number is waived whenever the General Meeting is convened by publishing the respective notice under the terms legally established for the acts of commercial companies;

3. Deliberations taken on matters outside the agenda are void, unless all members attended the meeting and all agreed to the amendment.

4. The attendance of all associates sanctions any irregularities in the call, as long as none of them opposes the holding of the General Assembly;

5. Recourse to the notice by means of electronic notice is only possible when there is prior consent from the member and verifiable by means of a reading receipt.

Article 15 - Form of Operation

1. The General Assembly may not deliberate, on first call, without the presence of at least half of its members, but may, however, deliberate on second call, thirty minutes later, with any number of members, provided that this indication is included. in the notice;

2. Except as provided for in the following numbers, resolutions are taken by an absolute majority of the members present;

3. Deliberations on amendments to the articles of association require the favorable vote of three-quarters of the number of members present;

4. Deliberations on dissolution or extension of the association require a vote of three quarters of the number of all members;

Subsection I - Board and holders of positions, competences

Article 16 - Table of the General Meeting

1. The table of the General Assembly is composed of a President, a First Secretary and a Second Secretary;

2. The powers of the Board of the General Meeting are:

a. Convene the General Assembly, at the request of the Board of Directors;

b. Declaring the opening, suspension and closing of meetings and directing the respective work;

c. Write the minutes of the meetings;

d. Give the floor to members and holders of positions in the governing bodies and ensure the order of debates;

e. Place the items on the agenda and the accepted requests for discussion and voting;

f. Proclaim the results of votes;

Section II - Supervisory Board

Article 17 - Its Competences, Organization and Functioning

1. The Supervisory Board is a collegiate social body for the control and supervision of the association, namely:

a. Examine, whenever deemed convenient, the writing and all documentation of the association;

b. Check, when deemed necessary, the cash balance and the existence of amounts of any kind, which will be included in the respective minutes;

c. Prepare the report on the inspection action carried out during the year and issue an opinion on the Annual Management Report, Financial Statements and Balance Sheet;

d. Other competences assigned to it by internal regulations;

2. The Supervisory Board is composed of three members, one of whom is the President, the remainder being a Secretary and a Rapporteur;

3. The Supervisory Board is convened by the respective President and can only deliberate with the presence of the majority of its members;

4. Decisions are taken by a majority vote of the members present, and the President, in addition to his vote, has the right to a casting vote;

Section III – Board of Directors

Article 18 - Its Competences

1. It is incumbent upon the Board of Directors, as the association's administrative body, to guide the institution's activity and, in particular:

a. Administer and direct matters relating to the life and activity of the C.N.I.C.;

b. Prepare the Annual Management Report, Financial Statements and Balance Sheet and the Annual Activity and Budget Plan;

c. Execute the Annual Activity Plan and Budget;

d. Submit for the opinion of the Superior Council, the amendments to the Statutes, the strategic and budgetary guidelines for the activity of the C.N.I.C, the Annual Activity Plan and Budget and other legislative initiatives concerning the institution;

e. Execute and enforce the deliberations of the General Meeting;

f. Administer the assets of C.N.I.C., practicing all acts of mere administration and disposal, including those relating to immovable property, provided that they comply with the general guidelines for the management of real estate assets approved by the general meeting;

g. Submit prior inspection by the Supervisory Board, as to their legality, opportunity and economic viability, the contracts, protocols and partnerships that it proposes to enter into and which involve the acquisition, disposal or encumbrance of real estate assets of N. C. I. B. and do not fall under the preceding paragraph;

h. Enter into contracts, protocols and partnerships;

i. Appreciate and decide on the opinions issued by the Superior Council;

j. Assign the quality of Effective Member, Community, Extra-community and / or Auxiliary;

k. Appoint and dismiss Special Delegates, Ambassadors and representatives of the N. C. I. B. to organizations in which it takes part;

l. Submit the Annual Management Report, Financial Statements and Balance Sheet for the opinion of the Supervisory Board, before submitting it to the General Meeting for consideration;

m. Submit to the General Assembly, for approval, the proposed amendments to the Statutes, the strategic and budgetary guidelines, the Annual Activity Plan and Budget, the Annual Management Report, Financial Statements and Balance Sheet, as well as other related legislative initiatives to the institution;

n. Suspend the quality of member of the C.N.I.C., in any category, as well as lift the suspension, as soon as the cause that gave rise to it no longer exists;

o. Deliberate on any matter submitted to its consideration by any member of the C.N.I.C.;

p. Keep an updated general list of the members of the C.N.I.C.;

q. Other competences assigned to it by internal regulations;

Article 19 - Composition, form of convocation and functioning

1. The Board of Directors is composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Secretary-General and a Member;

2. The Board of Directors is convened by the respective Chairman and informed to its constituents, before the end of each meeting, being recorded in the minutes or, if the call is not recorded in the minutes, by means of a postal or electronic notice sent to each one. of its constituents at least eight days in advance, and the notice must contain the day, time, place of the meeting and the respective Agenda;

3. Decisions are taken by majority vote of the members present, and the chairman, in addition to his vote, has the right to a casting vote;

4. Recourse to the convocation by means of an electronic notice is only possible when there is prior consent from the position holder of the Board of Directors and verifiable by means of a reading receipt.

Subsection I - Chairman of the Board of Directors

Article 20 - Competences

1. The President of the Board of Directors is the maximum responsible for the C.N.I.C., being responsible for ensuring the prestige, maintenance, sustainability, development and progress of the institution, which functions under his guidance and in his dependence.

2. Without prejudice to what is or will be entrusted, the following are specific competences, obligations and rights of the Chairman of the Board of Directors:

a. Represent the N. C. I. B. in or out of court,

b. Require the convening of the Board of Directors and the Superior Council, as well as chair the respective meetings;

c. To nominate, with the Superior Council, the elements for the remaining positions on the Board of Directors, as provided for in these statutes;

d. Use the casting vote, in any resolution in which he participates as President, in the various corporate bodies;

e. Intervene, whenever deemed pertinent, in any ordinary or extraordinary meeting of any corporate body that it integrates or in whose meetings and sessions it participates;

f. Supervising the execution of the General Assembly's deliberations and, in general, directing, promoting and coordinating the institution's activity;

g. Promote and supervise the execution of the deliberations of the Board of Directors;

h To delegate, within the scope of its competences, the necessary powers to carry out the institution's activities;

i. Adopt, even if to the detriment of the powers of the other bodies, measures and provisions of an exceptional nature, in defense of the interests, objectives and fundamental principles of C.N.I.C., after hearing the Superior Board;

j. Other competences assigned to it by internal regulations;

Article 21 - Temporary replacement

1. The President of the Board of Directors is replaced in his absences and / or temporary impediments by the Vice-President of the Board of Directors and, in his impediment, by the senior member of the Board of Directors.

Section V - Superior Council

Article 22 - Composition

1. The Superior Council is composed of a President and Superior Councilors;

2. The following are members of the Superior Council with the right to vote:

a. As President, the President of the Board of Directors;

b. As Superior Advisor:

I. All members with founder status;

II. One member, from among the members with the category of Effective, Community, Extra-Community and / or Auxiliary, elected at the General Meeting;

III. All Honorary Associates;

IV. Special Delegates, Ambassadors and representatives of the N. C. I. B. to the organizations in which he takes part;

3. Other personalities, members of the National Civil Intervention Body, or not, which, taking into account the matters to be debated, may also be part of the Superior Council, without the right to vote knowledge, experience, training, civic and/or social intervention;

4. The permanent integration referred to in the previous number is valid only during the term of the President of the Superior Council in which the appointment takes place.

Article 23 - Competences

1. The Superior Council performs the functions of a consultative body of the General Assembly, of the Supervisory Board and of the Board of Directors and of a disciplinary appeal body of the N. C. I. B.;

2. It is incumbent upon the Superior Council:

a. Approve candidacy(s) of personality(s) to be presented at the General Assembly with a view to electing the holder of the position of President of the Board of Directors;

b. Decide on the proposal(s) of the President of the Board of Directors regarding the appointment of the remaining elements of the Board of Directors;

c. Propose to the General Assembly the removal of the President of the Board of Directors as well as the other members of the same governing body;

d. Decide on the resignation of the members of the Board of Directors appointed by it;

e. Propose to the Board of Directors, in situations of violation of the Statutes and the fundamental principles of N. C. I. B., the adoption of measures it deems appropriate;

f. Propose to the General Assembly the attribution of the category of Honorary Member;

g. Issue an opinion on proposals to amend the Statutes, strategic and budgetary guidelines of the N. C. I. B. and on the Annual Plan of Activities and Budget and legislative initiatives relating to the organization;

h. Motivate and sensitize the State and its organs and agencies to support the development of N. C. I. B.;

i. Issue an opinion on matters submitted to its consideration by the General Assembly, Supervisory Board and by the Board of Directors;

j. Other competences assigned to it by internal regulations;

Article 24 - Summons

1. The Summoning of the Superior Council is carried out by the respective President, on his/her own initiative or by proposal of at least ¾ of the members of the Superior Council, whenever he considers that there is a matter on which he considers it appropriate to take a position and its call is informed to its constituents before the end of each meeting, being recorded in the minutes or, if the call is not recorded in the minutes, by means of a postal or electronic notice sent to each of the constituents at least eight days in advance, and the notice must contain the day, the time, place of the meeting and the respective Agenda;

2. Recourse to the convocation by means of an electronic notice is only possible when there is prior consent from the holder of the position of the Superior Council and verifiable by means of a reading receipt.

Article 25 - Form of deliberation

1. Decisions are taken by majority vote of its holders, the President having, in addition to his vote, the right to a casting vote;

2. The deliberations of the Superior Council may be taken in person or in writing;

3. Decisions taken in person are recorded in the minutes book;

4. Written resolutions are sent by the holder of voting rights to the President of the Board of Superiors by postal or electronic notice, within a maximum period of ten (10) working days, counting from the date on which the matter object of resolution has been referred to your consideration;

Article 26 - Candidatures and swearing-in

1. The provisions of paragraph a) of number 2 of article 23 of these statutes do not prevent interested parties from submitting, to the Superior Council, candidacies for the position of President of the Board of Directors;

2. The presentation of candidacies by interested parties, for the position of President of the Board of Directors, as explained in the previous number, does not oblige the Superior Council to submit that candidacy to the General Assembly;

3. The Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Secretary-General and the Member of the Board of Directors take office before the Superior Council;

Chapter IV - Final Provisions

Article 27 - Representation

1. The N. C. I. B. is bound by the affixing of the signature of two of the holders of positions on the Board of Directors;

2. For mere expedient obligations, a signature of an office holder on the Board of Directors is sufficient;

3. In financial obligations, one of the signatures is, whenever possible, that of the Treasurer;

Article 28 - Association, Causes of Extinction

1. The N. C. I. B. is extinguished by deliberation of the General Assembly, by judicial decision or by causes of judicial extinction of civil associations;

2. Once the N. C. I. B. is extinguished, if there are any assets, they have the destination determined by the General Assembly, with the exception of those whose destination is imperatively fixed by law or whose fixation is legally assigned to the court or any other entity.

Article 29 - Situations in Omission

The cases in which these statutes do not provide for and which the law does not regulate will be additionally regulated according to the statutory norm applicable to similar cases and, if it is not even possible to integrate the gap, according to what is deliberated by the General Assembly, being able to, to this end, approve Internal Regulations.